
Bomba! Polícia Federal investiga esquema nos Correios do Maranhão

Tem uma bomba de efeito retardado perto de estourar no município de Cidelândia. Agentes da Polícia Federal e peritos apuram uma grave denúncia desde abril do ano passado no órgão federal dos Correios.

A PF investiga cautelosamente funcionários dos correios do município de Cidelândia após Arnaud Lucena Amorim que trabalha com vendas de jóias, denunciar que sofreu um golpe.

Amorim enviou a jóia através dos Correios do Cohatrac que, segundo ele, o valor foi alterado no Vale Postal de R$ 8 mil para R$ 96,00 reais pela Gerente do órgão de para Cidelândia, Elizete dos Santos.

Revoltado quando constatou que os Correios transferiu apenas R$ 96,00 reias, sendo que o valor esperado seria R$ 8 mil, o negociante autônomo de compra e venda de peças de ouro, levou imediatamente o caso a Superintendência da Polícia Federal, onde o delegado Cleyber Malta Lopes está comandando as investigações.

Segundo apurou o Blog do Neto Ferreira, a PF deverá desencadear a qualquer momento uma operação para desarticular a organização criminosa que se infiltrou no órgão federal. Confira abaixo o depoimento da vítima prestado na Polícia Federal e o Vale Postal dos Correios alterado:

54 thoughts on “Bomba! Polícia Federal investiga esquema nos Correios do Maranhão

  1. Isso é uma quadrilha que ta agindo em todo o maranhão, eu mesmo ja fui vitima desse golpe, peço a todos que tomem cuidados, fiquem atentos !!!

  2. Esse rapaz deve denunciar a procuradoria federal, e a OAB, por se tratar de um ESTUDANTE DE DIREITO, Essa gerente deve see demitida, e os superiores dela punidos, pelo corporativismo. Agora os envolvidos, como Essa Elizete que deus seus dafos e o Luis esposo dela, vão saber que a PF resolve.

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  43. [url=]red bottmon shoes[/url] Beer makers and Justice reach dealThe Associated PressThe Associated PressAnheuser-Busch InBev reached a final agreement with the Department of Justice, settling a dispute over its $20.1 billion acquisition of the Mexican brewer, Grupo Modelo.The world’s largest brewer has been trying since June to buy the half of Grupo Modelo that it doesn’t already own. The Justice Department blocked the deal out of concern that a company that massive would stifle competition in the U.S.In an effort to appease regulators, AB InBev subsequently struck a side deal that gives control of the production of Corona and other Modelo beers sold in the U.S. to a competitor, Constellation Brands Inc.The companies involved in the complicated series of deals have negotiated for months with Justice officials to resolve the dispute.The agreement announced Friday is similar to a modified deal that was aired earlier this year, requiring the sale of Modelo’s entire U.S. business, including licenses of Modelo brand beers and its Piedras Negras brewery, as well as its stake in a joint venture agreement and other assets to Constellation Brands Inc.The Department of Justice said the settlement will ensure competition in the beer industry nationwide to the benefit of U.S. consumers.Th [url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url] e two sides must still get court approval before the deal goes through.The acquisition could be completed as early as June, if it receives court approval. [url=]cheap christian louboutin outlet[/url]

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    [url=]red bottmon shoes[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]red bottmon shoes[/url][url=]cheap christian louboutin outlet[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url][url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]cheap christian louboutin outlet[/url][url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]cheap christian louboutin outlet[/url][url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]christian louboutin outlet[/url][url=]christian louboutin outlet[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]red bottmon shoes[/url][url=]red bottmon shoes[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]red bottmon shoes[/url][url=]christian louboutin outlet[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url][url=]red bottmon shoes[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]christian louboutin outlet[/url][url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]cheap christian louboutin outlet[/url][url=]2013 christian louboutin[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]christian louboutin outlet[/url][url=]cheap christian louboutin outlet[/url] 2 friends appeal to suspect not to hurt anyoneThe Associated PressBOSTON — Two high school friends of the at-large suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings are appealing to him not to hurt anyone else and to turn himself in.Ashraful Rahman and Essah Chisholm attended Cambridge Rindge Latin School with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (JOH’-kahr tsarh-NY’-ev).Rahman tells The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they want Tsarnaev to stop and appeals to him to “not kill himself or do any further harm to anyone.” He describes him as a hardworking wrestler who was calm and chill, someone who never did anything wrong. He says he wants to know why he did all this and wants him to reach out to his friends.Chisholm tells the AP in a Fa [url=][/url] cebook message that he wants to tell his friend not to kill himself or hurt anyone. [url=]christian louboutin outlet[/url]

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